Seattle Museum of Pop Culture. And Microsoft Imagine Cup Alumni.

It's hard to avoid the Seattle Museum of Pop Culture. For one thing the monorail actually drives through the middle of the building on the way to the Space Needle. For another it has the most amazing architecture. We've never got round to taking a proper look in the place. Until today.

To be honest I wasn't expecting that much, perhaps a few guitars in glass cases. But there was much more than that, including a really good Star Trek exhibition and stuff that kept us occupied for just about half of the day. They even had a David Bowie film where he actually mentioned Hull. 

This is a Star Trek console. Really. 

After our does of culture we headed back to Capitol Hill to meet up with a bunch of ex-Hull students who are now Microsoft folk. Quite a few of them got their big break as part of Imagine Cup teams. All doing very well, lots of great chat and lovely to see them all. They look so grown up. Probably because they are. And we got a bunch of recommendations for places to visit during our final days here. 

Seattle Space Needle. Again.

Another day. More amazing weather. Apparently temperatures records are on the verge of being broken (They are back home in England too, but in an entirely less pleasant way). 

Anyhoo, whenever I'm in Seattle I go up the Space Needed. Always have. Always will. They're in the middle of a great big refurbishment exercise at the moment, replacing the sides of the viewing platform with enormous slabs of glass. This meant that we didn't get to walk all the way round the outside as we normally like to, but even so the view was rather nice, and you can actually see the mountain, which is nice. 

Heading for Capitol Hill

Last night we went into the MVP party for a while. Great fun. They are usually very loud affairs, but not this time. They had loads of headphones that you could use to hear any one of a number of different disco soundtracks (including classical music). And you could even change the colour of the cool lights on their sides. Awesome. It's been a great summit. Lots of lovely technical content. Lots of chances to say what we thought of it, and a great place to catch up with folks. 

Today we're heading for an apartment in Capitol Hill, a rather nice part of Seattle for a few days. 

Whiskey and Gambling in Seattle

One of the lovely things about the MVP Summit is the "appreciation night" that they organise for us each time we come. It's nice to be appreciated. This year we all descended on a whiskey distillery to sample a few, eat some good grub and maybe do a little light gambling. Great fun. 

Betting the farm (the dealer got 19)

The best gambler of the night earned a substantial donation to a charity of their choice. I was not the best gambler of the night. In fact it all served as a salutary lesson for me as to how fast you can burn through money, even if it is fake...

Beating the odds at roulette

Action at the blackjack table

Fancy a whiskey?

A great time was had by everybody. Thanks to the folks from Microsoft for setting up such an excellent event. 

Satnavs 0 Snow 1

I thought we were being so clever. with our planning for the journey to the MVP summit.  Booking a hotel close to the airport  and ravelling a day early seemed like a good way to handle "The Beat from the East meets Storm Emma". What could go wrong?


There are only a few roads between Hull and Manchester airport. And this afternoon they were either broken or impossible too get to. I chose to use Waze as my navigation weapon of choice. It's supposed to be able to detect road closures and automatically route you around them in advance. 

What it is not supposed to do is send you off the motorway and then back on at the same junction, put you into a half-hour queue to get onto a road that turned out to be shut, and send you down roads so scary that you turn back trembling. 


Once we'd, rather sensibly in my opinion, not driven down the road marked as closed, Waze proceeded to try and take us back the same way. Idiot code. You;d think that a satnav would be able to reason that if I've not used the road, there's probably a good reason for this. At very least it should ask a question "Is the road you just tried to use blocked?" and then use the answer to get us where we want to be. 

Actually, I think the whole sorry affair threw up my rather worrying reliance on technology. In the "Good Old Days"(tm) I would spend a few minutes with the map before heading out. That way I'd know if a particular direction is a good idea or not. Nowadays I just wait for the navigation to catch up.

Oh well. At the moment we are in Leeds buying train tickets for the last leg of the journey.


We had another superb Hardware group meetup at c4di tonight. Two new members, plus a host of others braved the horrid snow to come and talk tech. I was telling everyone of my problems with my soldering iron, which had come un-soldered (see above) leading to some nice "Catch-22" issues (in the end I bought another iron and mended my "proper" one).

Plans are afoot for another soldering evening, and a "build your own LoRa node" event too. Turns out that it's all happening..


Snow looks great on christmas cards and on pictures from other people However, when you have it outside your house for long periods of time it is a bit less fun.

Hopefully it will be gone before our marathon journey to the airport on Friday. We're flying out to the MVP summit on Saturday so, being a cunning chap, I've booked a hotel around a mile from the airport, just in case the roads are bad on Saturday.

Littlebits R2D2 Droid

As another celebration of my writing prowess,, and because they were 20 pounds off and because,well, I don't have to make excuses to you do I, dear reader, I got a Littlebits Droid inventors kit. I've not built it yet, but I have had a play with the controller board. It's actually very neat.

Best bit for me is that the speaker is inside the robot (unlike the Lego Boost robot which plays the sound from the controlling tablet or phone) and it is packed with authentic Star Wars sound effects. For the price it is actually pretty good value for a Star Wars branded product.  Looking forward to making it. I think I'll paint mine white so that it looks like a "proper" one.

Talking about robots for the children's university

Showing of "Transparent Terry", one of the robot crew

We had a bunch of folks from HEY Children's University come and see us at c4di today. It was great fun. I was showing off how we can put programs into robots to tell them what to do, and that a program is just something that takes in something (a distance from a distance sensor)  does something with it (run away if the distance is less than 100 mm). 

They were a great audience and I hope that a fair few of them get into software, robots and other stuff that can change the world. 

I said I'd put some links on here to resources. You can find out about the Hull Pixelbot (the robot I was showing off) here. You can find resources to build your own Pixelbot here. If you really do want to build a robot, come along to our hardware group meetings (there's one next Thursday). Sign up here