Red Nose Day Lecture now online


I’ve lovingly rendered the entire lecture, along with slides, into a 28 minute or so action packed video which is packed with action. You can find it above. Thanks again to everyone who came along. To Simon and Peter for taking the videos and Amanda for collecting money. I’d also like to thank the lovely folks at Gadgeteer (particularly Scarlet and Clare) for sending me such a wonderful prize. If you want to do something with Gadgeteer (and you really should) you can find out more about the platform here:

Oh, and there have been some mutterings about the fact that I did manage to raise a thousand pounds but did not perform the lecture wearing a tutu. Turns out that I passed the target last night (Saturday) and the lecture was on the day before (Friday). So this means that there was (and is) no need for any kind of tutu sporting.

And anyway, I think the audience had a lucky escape. The ever-helpful Simon Grey prepared an artist’s impression of what I would look like:


..although I don’t think my arms are quite as muscular as the ones above.

Sooo Close.


By a combination of RFID tag sales for the prize draw and accosting people who were injudicious enough to turn up at the lecture carrying money (I did let one lad keep his bus fare home though) I was able to take 210.90 pounds in cash down to the bank this morning and pay it into the prize fund.

Added to the amount given by my wonderful sponsors, this takes the total to 984.98. Just fifteen pounds and two pence short of me having to wear a tutu for the lecture.

Talk about precision planning. Go me.

If you haven't got round to sponsoring me and want to send me over the edge, so to speak, you can still donate at:

Red Nose Day Fun and Games


Some of the audience, before the show started. Profuse apologies to the folks on the very front row. For some reason I didn’t point the camera in your direction.

Today did not dawn in an auspicious manner. I went into work prepared to put the starting touches to the presentation (only kidding, it was actually mostly written, but I have a policy of never finishing a talk until just before I really need it.). Anyhoo, I plugged in my shiny Sony and got all manner of USB “in and out” sounds. Truly, my machine was playing the hokey cokey with all my devices. A dance which ended with a bunch of unknown USB devices in Device Manager. Oh well. My first thought was my keyboard, but experiments indicated otherwise. USB hub then.

Ho hum. Time for a reboot. So I shut the machine down. And found I had 14 updates outstanding. Arrgh. This of course made my machine unusable for a lot longer than I had planned for. Wah. And when it came back, of course the USB drivers for the Gadgeteer (the thing my Lecture in Rhyme was all about) had broken. After another reboot (five updates that time) I managed to get something to work. By now we were about fifteen minutes from the presentation. No pressure.

Anyhoo, thanks to an awesome audience I managed to get through it all. Even when the demo failed because of lingering USB issues. Fortunately “The Door of Mystery” worked fine, and picked key number 71.


This is the lucky winner. I look a lot more pleased than him, perhaps because I’ve finished the lecture.

There are videos of the lecture, but they are kind of meaningless without the slide deck. I’m going to spend some time this weekend making a “director’s cut” with a narration that will hopefully make more sense.


Thanks to every one who sponsored me, the folks who turned up and had their pockets emptied, and apologies to the three people who wandered into the lecture theatre just after we had started only to have me point at them and shout “NEW PEOPLE. GET MONEY FROM THEM!” Apparently they turned tail and left in a hurry. I hope they’ve stopped running by now….

Red Nose Day Rhyming



I spent a big chunk of this evening writing poetry. Thanks to Carl for his donation, which gets him into the script.

As long as I can find something that rhymes with “Carl”.

If you want to sponsor me, and who doesn’t, then visit:

If we get more than 1,000 pounds then I will wear that tutu. You can find out more about my previous Red Nose Day triumphs here and here.

We will definitely video the lecture, and who knows, some of the students might try to live stream it too. Keep coming back here, and to my Red Nose Day sponsor page for news.

Red Nose Day Door of Mystery


Sometimes a good idea can take away your entire Sunday.

“The Door of Mystery” is an unique fundraising idea that takes the old style, simple, raffle idea and turns it into a new, high-tech, complicated form. To take part all you have to do is buy one of our special “Red Nose Day” tags for two pounds and then take it to “The Door of Mystery” at my office in the Robert Blackburn building to find out your entry number. Then, at the presentation on Friday we will build a “Door of Mystery” machine of our own and then use it to pick the winner of the competition. The prize, courtesy of Microsoft Research Cambridge, is a Gadgeteer kit of your own.

The tags contain an RFID chip which is read by a Gadgeteer board inside the door unit. The unit contains an SD card with a list of RFID values which are mapped to entry numbers. Show your tag to the door and it will tell you your magic number.


This is the guts of the prototype device. I’ve cannibalised my Tweet Printer case to use for the project. I’m going to print a proper one later. If I get round to it.


I’ve got 100 RFID tags to sell for Comic Relief. Each one has been keyed to the system and you can buy them from the departmental office. Perhaps we’ll think of other uses for them over time..

You can sponsor the whole shebang over at:

Off to Greenwich


After a few days of early rises, what better way to spend a weekend than getting up at 5:45 to catch a train, a bus, a train, the tube and the Dockland Light Railway (DLR) to go to Greenwich.

Glad I went though. Lovely place. As well as the Cutty Sark they also have the Royal Observatory and of course the meridian. The weather was as kind to us as we could have hoped for, in other words it didn’t rain, and there was even a rather nice show in the planetarium.

Speechifying Windows Phone 8 at TechDays 2013


This is the final audience of my TechDays sessions as they arrived.

Today I did the last session for TechDays 2013 NL. We were making Windows Phone talk to us and make sense of what we were saying. Another splendid audience and another bunch of files that you can download with the presentation and all the source code. Heading home this evening, once I’ve spent the afternoon playing with my latest “Gadgeteer idea”. That rhymes, which is useful.

Gadgeteering at Tech Days

The audience for my “Gadgets Everywhere” session was even larger than the phone one. I think they came to watch the demos fail….

Did my final session of the day on the Gadgeteer at TechDays.  A great audience, a whole bunch of demos that worked, and a whole bunch of superb questions including one which, again, I didn’t have a proper answer to. I do now though. The question concerned the availability of “watchdog” support for the .NET Micro Framework. At the time I said that I didn’t think that it was available. Turns out I was wrong. Watchdog support was introduced into Version 4.0 and you can use it to make sure that a system will automatically reset if the controlling program gets stuck for some reason.


A happy owner of a bright orange, Ultimaker printed, Lumia 820 cover.

During the talk I mentioned Una, my 3D printer, and how easy it is to use such a device to print cases for Gadgeteer devices. You can even get the designs for the Gadgeteer boards on CodePlex. I had some printed gadget cases, but I’d also brought along a bright orange Lumia 820 case that I printed last week from this design. I figured it might go down well in the Netherlands. And so it turned out.


Examining Gadgets


Camera Art

Thanks to another amazing audience. You can find the slides and the demos here.

Windows Phone Agents at Tech Days


Today I was up bright and early to fly out to the Netherlands for TechDays 2013. I’m doing some sessions on Windows Phone and Gadgeteer. I’ve been doing sessions in TechDays for quite a while, they have a great atmosphere at the conference and the audiences are always great.

Today was no exception. You can tell the quality of the audience by the questions that you get at the end, and in this session I got some really good ones. One of which I couldn’t answer at the time. The question concerned the behaviour of application created alerts. A Windows Phone program can create alerts which will appear at some point in the future. These are useful because you get them whether the application is running or not. When the alert fires the user can drop back to the application and do something. I made a program for timing eggs which causes an alert when the egg is ready. What the delegate wanted to know was what happened to the alert if the phone is displaying the lock screen, or powered off.

I’ve done some experiments , and now I think I know the answer. If the phone is locked the alert will appear on top of the lock screen, just like any other appointment would. If the phone is turned off, you don’t seem to get the alert displayed when it is powered back on though. Hope this helps.

You can find the slides and the sample code (including the egg timer) here.

Alien Invasion


Lindsay and David, standing against each other’s names.

Today a couple of ex-Hull bods came to see us. They now both work for Boss Alien down in Brighton and they came up to give a talk about working as a game developer.

Great talk guys. The thing that came out most strongly for me was that if you want to get into the game you must have a good portfolio of your work to show off. This should include not just coursework assignments that you’ve completed, but also things you have done of your own. Make sure that this is easy to find on your website or blog and keep adding to it. It looks like there is plenty of work out there for good developers, make sure that you do a good job of showing off your skills.

Red Nose Day with Gadgets


I’m doing it again. For more money. If you want to see a show that has laughter, tears and pathos (and that’s just the hardware demos) then you should come along.

You should also sponsor me at:

I’ve set the target really high, at 1,000 pounds. But if I get that much I will do the entire lecture wearing a tutu.

And just to let you know, I have sooo got the legs for a tutu.

"Life after Uni and being a Boss Alien"


Lindsay Cox is coming to see us on Wednesday 6th of March and give a Rather Useful Seminar. You might remember Lindsay from the odd Three Thing Game, in fact he and his teams produced some memorable stuff over the years. Lindsay is going to talk about his experiences since graduation. The seminar is at 2:30 pm  on Wednesday 6th of March in Lecture Theatre D (LTD) in the Robert Blackburn Building.

Please note the slightly later start.

Surface Pro Paint Repairs


If you have been unlucky/daft enough to chip the paint on your lovely new Surface Pro then I have have some good news. Revell enamel paint “32109 Anthracite” (see here) is an absolutely perfect match for the paint on the Surface. I’ve put a tiny amount on the scratches (which, admittedly were pretty tiny to start with) and they have completely vanished.

And, bearing in mind no new scratches have appeared, I think the little tin above (price at one pounds sixty pence) is going to be a lifetime supply as far as I’m concerned.

NFC Tag Fun with Windows Phone 8

Near Field Communications is fun. And sometimes even useful. The idea is that you bring your phone close to an NFC tag which contains an antenna and a tiny chip which can store data. The phone reads the data and does something. You can program an NFC tag to trigger one of a variety of different actions, from opening a web page, running a program to sending an email.


The Nokia NFC Writer program makes it very easy to program tags. I’ve got a tag in the car that starts the phone playing music. I could also use a tag to configure the phone and even send tweets, as James has done.


There are lots of styles and designs of tags out there. I got the Task Launcher Pack from above which provides a lot of fun for around 12 pounds. You can get custom printed tags and people like Moo are even planning business cards with tags in.

There is an API that you can use to allow your Windows Phone program to read and write tag information which has all kinds of possible applications. You can find out more from MSDN here and from Nokia here.

If you have an NFC capable phone (the Nokia 820 and 920 are) then you should have a go. Great fun.

Nokia NFC: It looks like some folks are having a problem finding this program via the link above. It works fine in the UK, I'm not sure what regions of the world have access to it. If the link doesn't work try searching your Marketplace for "nfc".