Bye Bye iPhone


Today is a fairly momentous one (if you can have fairly momentous days). I’ve reached the end of my 18 month iPhone contract and it is time to formally move all my mobile phone stuff over to my Windows Phone device. I’ve been carrying two phones around for a while, which has been a pain. Anyhoo, today is the day that the number transfer goes through so that in the unlikely event of anyone ringing me up, they will now reach me through the wonder of Windows Phone.

I’ve really enjoyed using an iPhone. It represented a genuine advance on the field when it came out all those years ago. It is a delightful device which is a pleasure to use and has served me very well. I went through three iPhones in total in my time with the platform. However, I’ve used Windows Phone for a while now and I prefer it. Stuff seems to take fewer presses to achieve. When I use my iPhone I find myself pressing the screen for a back button that isn’t there and the way you move between applications seems clunky to me. Some of the more recent advances to the OS seem to have detracted from the initial simplicity that it had.

The Windows Phone has a way to go. There are a few iPhone features that I’ll miss for a while but I reckon that Windows Phone will catch up over time.  And I love the idea that I can write C# for the device.

PS3 Disk Upgrade


I’m having some quality time off work this week. And by quality I mean messing around with technical things. Today I upgraded the hard disk in the PS3. I’ve had this console since the day of release, when 60G was quite a large amount of storage (as opposed to about enough to put in a phone). Anyhoo, the upgrade process looked easy enough. Buy a new disk, back up the old one, drop in the new one and do a quick restore.

And that’s how it turned out. The only real problem was finding a FAT formatted disk for the PS3 backup (the program in the PS3 is a bit fussy about this). However, having set up a disk appropriately everything went well. The only tricky thing apart from that was getting the bracket off the old drive. It had been fitted with screws that seemed to  have been tightened by Superman’s stronger brother. And of course I’d hidden the only screwdriver that stood a chance of not destroying the heads of the screws. But with a bit of care and a Swiss Army pen knife (apparently Swiss Navy ones are much harder to come by) we prevailed.

If you fancy giving yourself a bit more space for media and stuff on your PS3 I strongly recommend going for the upgrade.

Optimus Quest Winner


LG Optimus 7

Well, I’ve had a fun weekend going through all the Optimus Quest entries. By the end I’d had loads and it has taken a while to take a look at each one. Quite a few people had submitted multiple ideas, which was great but meant even more stuff to go through. For each of the entries the questions I considered, in order, were:

  • Can this application actually be made to work on the phone?
  • Can I see anyone using/playing the application?
  • Has it been done before on Windows Phone?

That narrowed things down a bit, and then I moved on to picking a winner from the ones that are left.  Which was very, very, tricky. At the end I settled on “Magic Finger” from Marcin Limanski. A very nice idea that I hesitate to describe in too much detail in case someone else takes it on and gets there first. If you want to contact me Marcin we’ll see about getting the phone sent to you.

The Bad Taste award goes to “Poo Shoot” from Marc Cutsforth which was pretty much as disgusting as the name implies. The Most Amusingly Useless award goes to “Spinning Bow Tie” from ‘Ignorant Pom’.

Honourable mentions go to Emma-Jane Alexander,  Beverley Usher, David Parker, Simon Johnson and Jason Wakefield for workable ideas that really should be taken further.

Thanks to everyone who took part, and thanks again to Sheryl at LG for supplying me with such a nice prize to give away.

Animal Husbandry


I got to feed the pigs today. We keep chucking hay in for them to use as bedding and they keep eating it, which reflects something of a lack of forward planning on their part. Good thing they are hardy.

The water in their bottle freezes solid every night. Pig management tip: Keep duplicate water bottles in the kitchen so that you can just swap them for the solid ones each day, rather than spending 10 minutes holding the frozen ones under the hot tap and making yourself late for work.

Hammering and Sawing

Hull University Library Side

Why is it that the thing you buy to replace the thing that broke is a quarter of an inch bigger all the way round? When the thing in question is a door lock this results in a bunch of hammering, chiselling and swearing.

Not necessarily in that order.

Anyhoo, the front door now both closes and opens (as opposed to only doing one of those things easily). We actually convinced one unfortunate guest that we had automatically locked him out. Kind of like a “Reverse Hotel California”.

Free “Windows Phone Blue Book” Course


Windows Phone 7 Blue Book

Microsoft Faculty Connection have just released my “Windows Phone Programming Blue Book”. This is kind of a companion to the "C# Yellow Book” which has been around for a while. However, it has a lot more stuff with it. There are demo programs and also a whole set of presentations and exercises that you could use to create a complete course on Windows Phone 7. You can find the content here:

Christmas Bash 2010


The Christmas Bash is becoming a tradition. From modest beginnings a couple of years ago we now have a well established setup which this year included Team Fortress, Track Mania, Kinect, PS Move and Band Hero. Along with the ever popular word search. In fact I was aghast to see a bunch of students ignoring their gaming terminals and instead searching through the grid for such words as “Battleships”, “Theatre” and of course “wordsearch”.

The gathering actually established a new record for bashes. From 22 pizzas to nothing in around 6 minutes. Amazing.

There are more pictures on Flickr. If you have any of your own please tag them hullxmasbash2010.

Mad Game Development in the Press

306 mag

You might remember our Mad Game Development a few weeks ago. Fifteen teams spent 24 hours on campus writing a game. Great fun. Writer Peter Gothard (now of GamesTM Magazine) came along for the ride (actually it was his idea….)

Anyhoo, he has now written up the whole thing as a superb article in 360 Magazine this month. With pictures of all the teams and screenshots of their games it is well worth a read. In all good newsagents now..