Overlapping Display Elements in Silverlight

Blackjack in White

Overlapping cards in a white version of the game. I just changed the Settings to a white background, everything else was sorted out automatically.

I’ve solved my five card problem. I’m not sure if I’ve cheated or not, but I am sure that it works.


The way it works is by giving elements in the StackPanel a negative left margin, so that they go into the element to the left. The StackPanel only seems to use the width remaining width for each item in the panel, so I end up with all the card displays overlapping nicely.

Silverlight Blackjack for Windows Phone 7

Silverlight Blackjack for Windows Phone
Well, what would you do?

For no particular reason (perhaps because I’ve got lots of other, more important, things to do) I’ve been working on a version of Blackjack for Windows Phone 7. I’ve come across an interesting philosophical/moral problem.

At the moment my display has room for only five cards. If a player gets a lot of low cards then they can fall off the end of the screen. I can think of two ways to fix this.

  1. Spend some time re-arranging the display so that cards can overlap and I can fit up to 21 cards (the absolute limit given that you are playing with six decks in the shoe) on the screen.
  2. Make the fifth card you get always a king.

Creating Windows Phone apps on a Netbook


It does work, although you might want to attach a larger monitor...

I was wondering if it is possible to run Visual Studio 2010 and create Windows Phone applications on a very small machine, say a tiny MSI Wind netbook with a lowly Atom processor. Turns out that it is, and it is just about useable (as long as you take the precaution of upgrading the memory to 2G).

You can run Silverlight applications on the windows phone emulator but for XNA you need to find a machine with a bit more graphical grunt, since the graphical power in the phone is actually greater than the netbook, which therefore can’t properly emulate it.

Imagine Cup Poland Final Pictures


Maria took this picture. Brilliant.

The Imagine Cup World Finals in Poland seem a very long time ago, even though they were just last month. If you were there and want to relive the moment, or you just want to see some excellent photographs, head of to here:


Maria was one of the judges, noted for her ready smile and the Nikon SLR that was always around her neck. She has posted some of her shots and they are really, really good.

Windows Phone 7 Accelerometer Values


I’ve been playing with the accelerometer in Windows Phone 7 and trying to make sense of the outputs. If you are interested (and, I guess if you are not) these are the values for the different orientations:

Flat on the desk: X=0, Y=0, Z=-1
Upside down on the desk:X=0, Y=0, Z=1
Standing like a tombstone: X=0,Y=-1, Z=0
Standing like an upside down tombstone: X=0,Y=1,Z=0
Landscape – controls on right: X=-1,Y=0,Z=0
Landscape – controls on left: X=1,Y=0,Z=0

The best way to visualise this is as a weight on a piece of string of unit length tied to the phone. If you hold the phone flat in portrait mode the the weight hangs straight down, giving X=0, Y=0 and Z=-1. Then as you tip the phone up to make it into a tombstone (as it were) the weight moves so that it is hanging directly below the phone, giving a Y of -1 and a Z of 0 and so on.

Apparently these values will be the same irrespective of how the program sets the orientation of the phone, i.e. they are set to give values as if you were using the phone in portrait mode. If you want to use different orientations you will have to transform these values.

I’ve found the readings to be quite accurate, at least as good as my real spirit level.

Windows Phone taskhost.exe error

(Thanks to Diego H for his solution to this one. He posted the solution on the Windows Phone Jump Start forum and I’ve found it very useful.)


When I’m writing Windows Phone programs I’ve noticed that I sometimes get the above error when I try to deploy a Windows Phone 7 project to the emulator. This is usually after I have moved or copied the Visual Studio solution to another directory. 

If I don’t get this error I might notice an even stranger manifestation, where changes I’ve made to the program don’t seem to be reflected in the running code. It turns out that this is due to a build setting getting corrupted. To fix it you must go to the Build menu and select Configuration Manager. Then re-select Windows Phone as the Active solution platform, so that the dialog looks as shown below:


Then your programs will deploy and run OK. I’ve no idea why this happens, but sometimes this gets set to “Any Platform” with no build or deploy options set, which stops programs from being built or deployed.

Quick Number Formatting in C#


I’ve been playing with the Windows Phone accelerometer, and displaying results. Thing is, it gives me values which have lots of decimal places that I don’t really want. They make the numbers flicker in a way that hurts my head. What I want is a way to just display them to two decimal places.

I must admit that previously I’ve resorted to very dodgy behaviour at this point, such as multiplying by 100, converting to an integer and then dividing by 100 again. Must be my old assembler ways coming back to haunt me. Turns out that there is a much easier way of doing this in C# which is to use the string formatter:

message = "Accelerometer" +
    "\nX: " + string.Format( "{0:0.00}",accelState.X) +
    "\nY: " + string.Format( "{0:0.00}", accelState.Y) +
    "\nZ: " + string.Format( "{0:0.00}", accelState.Z) ;

This little block of magic gets the X, Y and Z values out of a vector and then displays them to two decimal places in a string I can display in my XNA program.

The key is the {0:0.00} bit in the format, which gives a pattern for the display of the first (and only) value to be converted. This pattern says a single leading digit and two decimal places.

If you want to do interesting things like put commas into numbers (so that you can print 1,234,567 type values) then you can do that too. You can find out more about how the format strings work in my C# Yellow book (subtle plug) starting on page 50.

Delegates, Events and Confusion


Delegates and Events are really powerful parts of C#. They are also powerful confusing.  We can start off by making a new delegate type:

delegate void SimpleEvent () ;

This is a new type, called SimpleEvent. If we ever need to create a delegate that refers to a method that returns void and has no parameters, we can use SimpleEvent to do this. So, let’s do that. Here is our method:

void testMethod()
    Console.WriteLine("Test Called");

This method doesn’t do much, but it does tell us it has been called, which is a start. Now, to create something that refers to this method we can create a SimpleEvent instance:

SimpleEvent x = new SimpleEvent(testMethod);

This has created a delegate that refers to testMethod. We’ve given it the rather enigmatic name of x. We can make a call on this delegate if we want:


Note that we have to treat x as if it was a void method that accepts no parameters (since that is the type of method that the delegate refers to). When x runs it will print out “Test Called”, since that is what testMethod does, and x presently refers to that method.

The name x is actually quite appropriate, in that when we call x we don’t really know what is going to happen, since it could be made to refer to any method. If it doesn’t refer anywhere we’ll get a null reference exception of course, and serve us right.

So, delegates let us create objects that can refer to methods we want to run. Great if you want to bind behaviours to events. (and this is where it starts to get confusing)

We can declare a delegate variable:

SimpleEvent eventList;

At the moment this refers nowhere (try to call eventList and we get an exception). But we can add methods that we want to be called when the event is fired:

eventList += new SimpleEvent(testMethod);

Now, when we do:


- the testMethod is called. Wonderful. So let’s make this more confusing:

eventList += x;

This adds another item on to the list of delegates managed by eventList. The item added is the x that we created earlier, which refers to testMethod. Now, when we do:


- the testMethod gets called twice (because when you call a delegate it works through all the methods that are presently bound to it).

If we want to unhook methods from a delegate then we can use –= to do this:

eventList –= x;

This would remove one of the calls of testMethod from the delegate, so that now if we call eventList it will only call testMethod once. And it works.

However, this works too:

eventList –= new SimpleEvent(testMethod);

I hate this. It confuses me so much. It looks like we’ve made a new delegate and minused (!) it from the list of events. There is some strong magic going on here which I really don’t like. What must happen is that the –= operator must go “Aha!, here is a delegate that references this method, I must remove one from the list of delegates”.

If x is the delegate that I originally created, it seems reasonable to remove that from the list, what confuses me is that you can also remove delegates by appearing to create new ones. I guess that this is because otherwise programmers would have to keep track of event references that they might like to remove later, but I still don’t like it.

Clothes Shopping with Jetlag


We got back to the UK first thing this morning, had a quick nap and immediately decided to go clothes shopping. As you do.

There was actually method in this madness, in that we were in Bristol, which is home to one of the few shops that sells clothes in my size. And they have a sale just right now. So it was off to purchase a whole bunch of outfits. Took number one wife with me to stop me buying anything purple or orange.

Windows Phone Jump Start Ends

making your mind up
We used seat colours to get answers from delegates. Purple for true, yellow for false. Here is the audience making its mind up.

Final day of the course today. Great turnout, great interaction and some really good questions.

Rob Miles with the Jetliner

“Win your own private jet” – more pictures from pinksugarface here.

At the end we gave away the big prize along with two smaller, passenger ones. Thanks to everyone who turned up, I hope you enjoyed it, Andy and I certainly did.

the audience
Audience pictures are not the same though…..

Then it was out for a meal to celebrate.

Jump Start Crew

This course was brought to you by (left to right) Sharon, Jeff, Bob, Andy, Rob and Elese. Thanks to Ben for taking the picture.

Remember, you can keep track of the course and find links to the videos and other cool stuff at:


Windows Phone 7 Jump Start

You're on camera!

Nerves of steel in the studio.. Thanks to pinksugarface for the picture.

Andy and I did our first day of Windows Phone 7 training today. Fantastic fun with an incredible turnout.  We did these silly quizzes where delegates had to answer true/false questions by changing their seat colours and it was amazing to see all the flags switching over to the right answer before our eyes. Folks, you were great.

I gave out the phone number of my Windows Phone 7 device and asked for some jokes via SMS  (my “emergency” supply of humour ran out around 45 minutes in….). Got loads of texts in response, I’ve not got time to type them all in, but here is a choice selection:

  • What did the blind man say when handed a cheese grater? “That’s the most violent book I’ve ever read”
  • Where do you find a no-legged dog? Right where you left him.
  • On which side does a tiger have the most stripes? The outside.
  • Why do the French only have one egg for breakfast? Because one egg is an oeuf”
  • A man is smoking a cigarette and blowing smoke rings in the air. His girlfriend becomes irritated with the smoke and says “Can’t you see the warning label on the box? Smoking is hazardous to your health.” The man replies “I’m a programmer, we don’t worry about warnings, we only worry about errors”.

Great stuff. Normally I have to buy a whole bunch of Christmas crackers to get material of this quality.

Tomorrow (Wednesday) we are open “office hours” (1:00pm to 4:00 PST) on the course web site. If you are having a play with Windows Phone 7 drop by and say hello.


And remember, you can still sign up for the Thursday sessions here:

July 22 – 8am (PST): Session Three:  Advanced Windows Phone Development

July 22 – 1pm (PST): Session Four:  Selling Your Windows Phone Solutions & Wrap Up

Windows Phone 7 Jump Start Studio Prep

WP7 Course Presenter View

Bob sets up the webcam while we sort out the introductions.

Today we went over to the room where we are doing our mammoth Windows Phone 7 Jump Start. It starts Tuesday morning and you can sign up here if you like. I was expecting a room with a desk and a webcam. They were there alright, in a studio with two proper cameras, a backdrop and all the trappings of a professional broadcast.

Oh gosh.

WP7 Course Camera View

Andy settling in.

We did some dry runs where we found out a couple of things:

  1. Both of us speaking at the same time– bad.
  2. Neither of us speaking at all – bad.

However, I think we should be OK on the day.

Got Phone

Windows 7 Phone


Got my Windows 7 phone working today (I’m calling it mine in case anyone tries to take it away). Works a treat. Once I got it to talk to the hotel WiFi it started to show just how nice Windows Phone 7 actually is. I really like it, but this week my focus is on writing programs, not phone user interface design.

So it was on with the fun and games getting my programs deployed to the device from Visual Studio. Which I had not done before. For this I had to lean on the expertise of fellow MVPs who came to my assistance with advice and software in equal measure.

Thanks to Ginny, Joel and Nick for sterling support which paid off in the end. It really was nice to see my program running on a device, and I love the feeling that I can get any of my silly ideas deployed to a real phone (and maybe even sell them)

Then we went out for a walk and I bought a Pay as You Go sim for my phone.  I’ll let you all know the number later, so you can ring me and talk to a real Windows Phone if you want.