Collectormaina Calls

Today saw us up at the crack of dawn and haring down the motorway to Milton Keynes to take part in another Collectormaina. Well, at least it is a trip out.

So, who is this chap?


..or this lass?

The "throng"

I don't think this is a family portrait as such....

Any nightclub owners out there?

A Lego shop opposite an Apple shop. Seems somehow appropriate.


The Milton Keynes Tree. And some concrete cows.

I Must be Mad

Downstairs I have a copy of GTA4. Nico has been out on a date, taken my cousin bowling and killed a few times ("But they were all bad people"). And today, in my so called leisure time, I've spent a few hours writing C#. And having at least as much fun as I did with the video game.

Perhaps it is a control thing. When I'm writing code I not only have complete knowledge of what I'm doing, but I also created the thing I'm working within. I don't know, I'll leave the finer points of character analysis to those who already think I'm a bit strange, and move on.

Anyhoo, the code is coming along nicely. I'm finishing off (or at least moving on a bit) a thing I started ages ago. It uses a Tablet PC to help you mark class work. You fill in a form with comments, grades and suggestions and the program stores all this (including ink) in an XML file. You can then use this to generate a custom web page or set of report images you can send to the students. I've got all the storage and editing story sorted and I'm just finishing off the reporting.

When I've got the system working I'll post it for anyone to play with.

In the meantime I'm having a bunch of fun making it.

Cold Marking

Got a code in the node. I feel kind of bad because I've spent the last couple of days in the labs looking at student work and presumably breathing germs on everyone who has shown me their software. Oh well. According to a study (always the prelude to some enormous whopper or other) young folk today fall prey to all kinds of nasties because they aren't exposed to enough things to challenge their immune system as they grow up. So now I see my sneezing as a kind of social service.

Anyhoo, I really enjoyed the marking. The general standard was excellent. Students could either make a bank application or a game, and the split was around 50:50 over the cohort. I saw some "production quality" banks, with excellent code and some highly playable games.

Good work folks, and I hope I haven't made you too ill.

Mr Ten Percent

I've spent a lot of time over the last few weeks working with my final year project students and their reports.  They've been sending me drafts and I've been adding comments. This year has been great, because most of them have really engaged with the process, coming to regular meetings and responding very well to what I've said.  It has been nice to see the drafts improving in quality with each pass.

The actual hand in date is this Thursday, and I'm quite looking forward to seeing the finished results. If you are writing something it is very important that you go through this review phase, and you allow time to do it. I reckon that a properly written report can add ten percent to a project mark so it is worth the effort.

VAX T Shirt

Saw this T-shirt today. I really, really want one:


For some reason known only to Primark they've used a system diagram which includes PDP and VAX computers and all kinds of things that I used to manage (RD54 disks anyone) as the logo. I sooo want one of these in XL. I just hope they are not only kids sizes (and that you can still get them).

Long Felt Want for Rock Band

I managed to get myself a copy of Rock Band for the PS3 (that is the one which works in the UK). All I had to do was travel to Seattle, got to Fry's, cart the thing back to my hotel room, unpack it and cram it into my suitcase (it just fitted) and then carry it back.


(I left all the empty boxes in the hotel room. I feel a bit bad about this, they might think I've left them a copy of the game to play with, when all they find is a bunch of cardboard and packing.)

Anyhoo, I got the thing home and it is worth the effort. Particularly if you look at how much they are going to charge for the game upon UK release. I've worked my way through Easy mode on drums and I'm now moving on to Normal. It really does feel like drumming and we had a quick go at multi players and the impression of being in a band really is there.

The only slight snag is that the drumpads are a bit noisy when you hit them. So I've bought some felt which I'm going to use to damp the drums. I'm going to get a circle cutter and some foam and hope to make a proper job of damping them down a bit. In the meantime I'm going to use a time-honoured technique for making sure I can't hear the drum pads.

Turn the music up.

Final Friday Club

Today was the (sniff) final meeting of the Friday Afternoon Club. Talk about going out with a bang. We did Threads, and tried to crash Vista by starting off 1,000 at once. Of course it just kept going (but the CPU usage in Task Manager did max out quite dramatically).

I took a couple of pictures.


You can click on them for larger versions from Flickr. I really enjoyed the lecture and I hope that you lot did as well. See you for Software Engineering next semester.

Fools Gold

We went to see a movie tonight. We sort of have to pick the films based on the time they start, and on that basis we went to see "Fools Gold". This is a south sea caper with buried treasure, murderous rappers and a non "will they-won't they" romance strand. The characters are a bit one dimensional, the treasure plot is over complicated and Donald Sutherland's accent atrocious. But I can think of much more unpleasant ways to spend a few hours in a cinema. "There Will Be Blood" for example.

Very Silly Simon

I've had a rush of creativity. No, really.


This is a screenshot of the Simple Simon Project at Very Silly Games. It will eventually be a pattern matching game remarkably like another game named after a pieman.

I've only written the first bit for now, with some questions that you can use to brush up your programming smarts. Study the code and answer them and we will see about moving onto the next phase of the development.

Cramped Saturday


Before flying back we had our last "Breakfast in America" at our favourite diner. Which has very shiny stools. Then it was up to the airport to be crammed into a metal tube for 9 hours.


At the airport they had this lovely little thing. Sort of robbery target and getaway vehicle all in one.

I didn't get any extra space on the long flight. But the bloke who was sat next to me, who must have been all of four feet tall, had one of the precious legroom seats. And my in-flight entertainment thingy didn't work. Oh how I suffered.

MVP Keynote

Today was the last day of the summit proper, and we had keynote addresses from Ray Ozzie and Steve Balmer

Gathering for the keynote


Ray Ozzie was first to speak and take questions.

Steve Balmer arrived looking like this:


..and left dressed like this


I think we had better find a University of Hull sweatshirt to give him next time.

I've never heard Steve talk before, and I must say I'm impressed. He was knowledgeable, smart, self aware and, above all, funny.  A great way to end a very interesting four days.

Over Gurned

You've got to be careful in hotels. They put mirrors all over the place. There are a whole bunch in the bathroom, which in my opinion (and my condition) is a really bad place to put a mirror. They also have them on the lift doors. I was alone in the lift travelling down to the lobby and, staring at my reflection, thought I'd have a go at gurning to pass the time. As you do.

I just managed to pull a truly deformed face (not, admittedly much of a stretch for me) when of course the doors slid open to reveal a rather well dressed couple who were on their way out to some posh do or other. They managed not to actually recoil at the sight of me, but they did seem slightly worried as they got into the lift and the three of us made it the rest of the way down in rather stony silence. Oh well.