Computer Speedup trick - turn off iCloud Photo Sync

Start the icloud app and then clear all thse options for Photos

The title of the post says it all really. For a while I’ve been bothered by the way that the fan in my PC kept coming on when I wasn’t doing much. Then things seemed to slow down every now and then. A little detective work with Task Manager showed that the Apple iCloud Photo Sync process was grabbing 10% of my machine for no apparent reason. I’ve turned off photo sync. There’s no particular need for it on the PC and it has solved the problem.

I had a look at the Apple support for this problem and the suggested solution was to remove iCloud and install it again. Which wasn’t terribly impressive.

Achievement Unlocked: Rediscovered my Meccano Motor

I have no idea what I’m going to do with it.

When I was around 12 years old I got a Meccano motor for Christmas. Not just any motor. It had a six ratio gearbox and it came with tiny plugs that I could use to connect it to my Minic Motorways transformer. It was awesome. I made all kinds of remote controlled moving things with it. Then I lost it.

A few years I ran across the same motor in an antique centre in Beverley. After a few weeks of dithering about whether or not to buy it the motor then vanished from the shelf. Oh well. Then this week it (or one like it) appeared again. So I pounced. It’s in the original box and it looks as if it hasn’t been used. I’ve not fired it up yet. I’ve got plans involving MOSFETs and low speed control.

Back to England

One of my purchases was a set of illuminated clothes pegs for hanging up photos. They seem to work

We had to come home today. Back to England. Nothing like going abroad to give you a perspective on where you live. England is a bit like France. But in black and white. Or should that be grey and white. Everything looks smaller, meaner, unhappier and less well cared for. It wasn’t always like this, but over the last few years we’ve been managed by people who are more concerned with meaningless ideological stupidity than making sure that the place (and the people) are looked after properly. Oh well. Hopefully things will change soon.

Harrogate is wonderful

We could have done with some clouds to make the sky more interesting..

Harrogate is a wonderful place. Not just because of Bettys, or the fantastic game shop but because of the amazing park that runs alongside the town. It has everything you might want for fun, especially if you are six years and six months old (or thereabouts). There’s a zipwire, crazy golf and somewhere that sells ice creams. Plus a padding pool if you’re feeling brave and have a towel with you. We had a very happy time there today. And we’ll be back.

There are a lot of different makes of trees in this picture

Too big to post

I’m selling stuff on eBay to fund my camera habit. The rule is that if I haven’t touched the device for a year it is fair game for sale. I guess the same rule will kick in when I’ve had the cameras I’m buying for a year or so……

Somebody has bought one of my music machines. So I carefully packed the device up in a box, stuck the labels on it and headed for the Post Office. To be told the box was too big for the service I wanted to use. The limit is 60cm. My box was 61. So, anyone out and about in our neighbourhood this lunchtime will have seen a tall, cross chap walking around with a large parcel muttering under his breath.

Of course, like most of my problems, it’s all down to my laziness. Rather than make the box fit the size of the thing being posted I instead used one which was too big and filled the space with packing material. I called this the “Amazon approach”. And laziness part 2 - not checking the maximum package size - guaranteed that I was going to be making multiple trips to the Post Office.

The solution was brutal and quick. I hacked the end off the box, cut out a chunk of cardboard and stuck it back on again. Size now down to 56cm. The box is now on its way, and I’ve got enough to pay for the cameras I shouldn’t have bought…..

Shameful garage

No hot water this morning. Nothing says “welcome to the new day” like a cold shower. The boiler is showing a fault code, which in a way is a good thing for me because it means the problem is now out of my hands. And probably not my fault. Although it might of course be very expensive.

We called the plumber and he came round this afternoon, took one look at the huge mess in the garage and told us that he couldn’t really do anything because he needed to be able to get close to the patient without having to hack his way through heaps of stuff. Fair comment. I’ve spent the afternoon clearing a path and sauntering down memory lane. He’s coming back tomorrow.

Ebay Bargains from Rob

I took this with a camera I’ve just bought….

In a vain attempt to get in some cash to pay for all the cameras that I seem to have bought over the last six months I’ve put a few things on ebay. The way I see it, I’m getting paid to make space in the cupboards. Win win. Although I will miss some of them a bit.

Every item will be perfectly packed and promptly posted.


If you are wondering why I’ve put a picture of York city centre in a post about earwax, you have to ask yourslef what you would rather have a picture of…

I’ve been deaf in one ear for the last couple of days. The problems started when I was proving my manliness by going on the big water slides while on holiday. As a result I got a lot of water in my ears. Normally this disappears after a while. You get a warm feeling down the side of your head as half a pint of chlorinated water runs out of your ear into your collar and you get your hearing back with a pop and a gurgle.

Not for me this time though. My left ear was completely broken. I think a sudden inrush of water had forced a bunch of wax up into the ear and blocked it. In the long term I suppose this would save money on headphones and give me the perfect way of ignoring things I didn’t want to hear (which I have apparently been doing for ages). But I really wanted to go back to the stereo lifestyle and so today I tootled down to a place in Cottingham to have someone look into the problem. The process started with an examination of the working ear, which was completely clear. The broken one however, was very blocked. Ear wax removal involves using a funky sucking thing to gently remove the wax. My wax was apparently very sticky and it took several goes, plus some rinsing with another funky device, to get it all out. The sounds I heard during this process were awesome.

I was tempted to ask if they would do the job for half price, what with them only having to work on one ear, but in the end I was so pleased to get my proper hearing back that I paid up and left very happy.

Hello from Lytham

I’ve on more piers in the last two days than I have in the last ten years.

Today finds us in Lytham St. Annes. It’s only a couple of miles from Blackpool (you can use the tram to get from one to the other) but it feels like a different world. The huge and wonderful beach is front and centre, although there are still piers and of course arcade machines. We did some kite flying, dug holes and buried bits of each other and all the other things you’re supposed to do on the beach. We even got to watch someone get their car stuck in the sand. Happy days.

The tide does go out a heck of a long way….

Hello from Blackpool

The most difficult part of holiday preparation (at least for me) was deciding which camera to take…

We’re having a few days away. Today we headed onto Blackpool’s Golden Mile. Everything you would expect from a British seaside resort. I managed to talk folks out of buying me a “Kiss me quick” hat. But we did have fish and chips for lunch and they were excellent. Then we went up the tower.

This is a view through glass, but I still think it looks pretty OK

Behind the golden Mile

Tip Tips

Took a bunch of stuff to the tip today. Going to the tip is becoming increasingly complicated. Now they have lots of different categories for rubbish. My pro-tip (which I will follow for next time) is to put different rubbish in different bags. Otherwise you will be standing there for ages pulling bits of cardboard out of a huge bag that you’ve just filled. Like I did. The other tip (at least where I go) is to go in the morning. The afternoons seem to be a lot busier.

One of the things that used to puzzle me back in the day was “How to you get rid of an old dustbin?”. If you leave it out for the dustman they just empty it and then move on. It turns out that the answer to this age old riddle is to take the bin to the tip and throw it into the skip by hand…

Bank Holiday shock - with added AI

I was going to write “We had good weather today which was a bit of a shock, what with it being a bank holiday”. My blog host now has an AI button. I asked it to write something too:

We had good weather today. Bank holiday weather is always a topic of conversation in the UK, and unfortunately, it's typically not the most favorable. On the one hand, we have high hopes for clear skies and warm temperatures, but on the other hand, we are often met with gloomy, rainy weather. It's not uncommon for people to plan for a barbeque or picnic and then be forced to relocate indoors due to the rain. However, there are those rare moments when the weather decides to cooperate, and we are blessed with sunny days and blue skies, allowing us to fully enjoy the holiday weekend. So, while the weather may be unpredictable, it never stops us from making the most of our bank holidays.

There are a lot more words here, but I’m not sure how much value has been added…

A free man

I’ve shipped my “Bluetooth Chord Keyboard” article to Hackspace magazine. I’m now properly unemployed for a while with nothing outstanding (except perhaps for my talent - hem hem). It will be nice to have a break from doing much. Personally, I give it around a fortnight before I’ll be looking for things to do……

New Chair

It’s amazing what having a rubbish skip next door but one can do for your life. I’ve just got a new chair for my office. No - not from the skip. That’s where the old chair is going. The old chair is still OK to sit on, but the vinyl covering began to moult around a year ago giving of clouds of plastic particles each time I sat down on it. Then it developed this amazing squeak when I leaned back.

When I took the old chair to pieces for disposal I discovered a date stamp of 2003. I think its time had definitely come.