Money for Old Rope

We were in the pub, putting the world to rights, and were talking about the recent turmoil in the stock markets where people who don't actually produce anything have just discovered that you can't do this indefinitely without something bad happening.

Anyhoo, conversation turned to the way that it seemed to be possible to earn vast sums of money by not actually doing anything. I mentioned that I would feel kind of uncomfortable in this situation, in that I would have got paid for no reason.

"But you still collect your paypacket from the university at the end of each month..." said Ian.

Thanks for that.

Hull Computer Science Twitter Feed

We now have an experimental Twitter feed for the department at Hull. This will be used for sending out messages as a supplement to the RSS news feed that we run internally. You can find it here:

Since Twitter has an API I was thinking of writing a program that reads an RSS feed and tweets any item under 150 characters in length to twitter. This would make it a completely automatic extension to our message system. Does anyone know if this has been done already? Does anyone fancy doing it?

Oh, and you can follow me on Twitter at:

I'm not a very good twitterer (or is it twit?) to be honest, I have enough problems thinking of something to say in daily blog posts, but if you want to follow me you are more than welcome.

Voice from the Dark Side

Andy Sithers (who we call "The Dark Lord of the Sith" - no he doesn't think it is very funny either) has started a blog. Andy is a Microsoft Academic chap who is very clued up on the ways of Microsoft and is also a top bloke. Well worth a read.

One of his early posts brings great news. The Ultimate Steal is back. This puts a copy of Microsoft Office into your hot little hands for less than the cost of a video game. You can get all of it for 39 quid. Hence the name.


Went up town and bought a gadget. What are the chances? Sony have released their PlayTV add-on. This turns your PS3 into digital video recorder with two tuners. It works well, although it is a bit expensive at 69 quid. Some time back I got a complete recorder for around the same price. However, if you want to watch and record TV via your PS3 and you don't want to have to put another box under your telly then it is well worth a look.

The picture is good, although they don't seem to be doing the fancy upscaling thing that the PS3 does with DVDs, which makes them look really amazing and close to Blu-Ray in quality (which probably counts as a bit of an own goal really).

You can stream video off the PS3 onto a Playstation Portable over local WiFi and even configure your router to allow you to watch home telly using your PSP from anywhere in the world. Some time ago I had a thing called a Slingbox which did something similar with a home video signal, but that could target PCs rather than the PSP.

One other thing which is nice is that the system supports Digital Teletext too, which puts it one up on the Windows Media Centre (although it won't record all the episodes of a program automatically, which probably puts it one down again).

The only thing I really don't like is the way that the device (which is a rather ugly little box) connects to the USB cable on the front of the PS3, leaving a wire trailing across the front. The Xbox 360, rather cleverly, has a USB port at the back for connecting devices like this, which is a bit neater.

If you haven't got a video recorder, but you have a PS3, this is well worth a look.

First BBQ of the Year

We had our second barbeque of the year today. This is a bit late (the first one was on Monday. Snag is, we have just not had the weather for standing outside admiring the miracle that is fire. Anyhoo, it went well enough.


Firelighter power

In the field next day they were getting in the harvest.


I wanted to complain, because according to all the research I performed at the age of five, a combine harvester is red. Not camouflaged. I had a play with the macro lens whilst the burgers cooked.


I think this is a thistle.


And this isn't.

Art in Hereford

We like to go to the art festival in Hereford. Last year we turned up on Monday and found that the main exhibition was shut. So this year we did the same thing, which was a bit daft really.

Anyhoo, we did find some artists who were doing little exhibitions at home, which was very nice. If I was rich I'd love to invest in a few bits and bobs.


Showing style in the face of adversity. And yes, those are guys in sumo costumes in the distance.

Friday on the Road

Spent today driving. Mostly on the right side of the road. Had to go to London to fetch number one daughter. Her sojourn in the smoke has finished and she now has to come back to Real Life(tm) in Hull for a while.

The M1 was actually quite kind to me on the way down, but threw in a half hour delay on the way back. But we did get back to Hull in time for Friday Fish and Chips.

Off on our hols tomorrow, which will probably be a cue for even more driving...

Mastering Mailing

All I wanted to do was build up a little mailing list. I had a bunch of incoming mail messages and I wanted to take the address of each sender and use it to construct a list of recipients I could send the same message to. Common sense left me thinking that there would be something in Outlook that would make this easy.

Common sense (at least mine) was wrong.

Outlook let me laboriously create a mailing list from the addresses by hand, and then hid the list in a place where I can't actually find it. No kidding. This is obviously a variant of the highly secure "Write Only Memory" devices that we invented years ago.

Google mail sort of let me do it, but I had to laboriously insert the names one at a time, and it informed me, just enough times to be irritating, that it already knew some of the addresses anyway.

Finally I got the messages sent off, only to find that some of them ended up in spam filters. Such is life.

If anyone knows of a tool or trick that makes what I want to do easy, then I'd love to know it.

Thoughts on the Large Hadron Collider

Today might be the end of the world. It seems that mad scientists have created a machine that could destroy everything. Or could it?

Before worrying too much about the safety of the experiment, it is worth spending a bit of time on why it is being performed. It is all to do with something called "The Standard Model", which has been created to explain how the universe works.

If you try to hit a tennis ball really hard you have to work hard. This is because the ball has mass, and you need to put in work to make that mass move. You have to work even harder with a bowling ball, because that has greater mass. Take your bowling ball to pieces at the lowest possible level and you find a bunch of particles inside the atoms that it is made of. The Standard Model has to explain how all these particles work together to give you something that behaves like a bowling ball. We can prove the Standard Model by finding evidence of all the particles that it says must be there.

Thing is, one of the most important particles, the one that makes mass work, and makes a tennis ball behave differently from a bowling ball from a mass point of view, has not been observed in the wild yet. This particle is called the "Higgs Boson", after Peter Higgs, who suggested it as a way to make the Standard Model work. Unfortunately you can only observe the existence of these particles at very start of the universe, when things are compressed really tightly together. The rest of the time they fade into the background and we can only infer that they exist by the fact that the universe seems to behave in the way the Standard Model predicts.

So, to prove that the model is right, we have to create the same conditions as the start of the universe by bashing some bits of atoms together where we can look at them. Then this magic particle will appear, we will see it and we will know the Standard Model works. Or it won't appear and we'll know that it is duff. Or the universe will end, and we will not know anything....

The danger is that when you bash these particles together you can't be absolutely sure what you will get. You might compress them so much that they turn into a black hole, and suck everything in. You might create particles that haven't existed since the origins of the universe, and these might combine with everything around them and turn all matter into a new state, which could be grey goo.

The bad news is that since nobody has done this experiment in this way, nobody can really say what will happen when we do it. Scientists are very hard to pin down. They will never say "That won't happen" they will say "That is very unlikely to happen". By "very unlikely" they probably mean things like "hasn't happened in the last 13.7 billion years", but it still rings alarm bells. The weatherman sometimes says that rain is "very unlikely" and then we get wet anyway.

As far as I'm concerned, I feel quite safe. The kind of collisions that are going to happen in the experiment are taking place all around us all the time as high energy particles from space bash into the earth. I find it hard to believe that the people around the device are prepared to risk the future of the universe just to prove a scientific point. And if I'm wrong, nobody will be around to sue me anyway.

Media Rivalry

Hah. Just as I am basking in the reflected glory of my item in the Hull Daily Mail yesterday, news arrives that Paul Chapman has got an article about the Venus Project in today's Guardian. On page 17, nearer the front than mine.

Ah well. I'm on Radio Humberside tomorrow morning talking about the Giant Hadron Collider. I expect Paul will be on Radio 4 on Thursday.....

Zune Power

I've been playing with XNA on Zune, porting a little sprite toolikt from StarLight onto it. For those of you who haven't played with the Zune, it is basically an ipod that you can run XNA on. I managed to get 400 sprites with transparency bouncing around quite happily. I'll post the code on VerySillyGames when I've finished, but this means that you can get quite complex displays on the tiny platform with no problems at all.

So Much for the Weather

Today was the day of number one daughter's abseil for money. She was doing the jump for Marie Curie Cancer Care (you can still sponsor her here). The venue was Guy's Hospital at London Bridge in, er, London.

We turned up nice and early, daughter went off in the lift to practice on the top of the building and we waited with the other anxious observers.


The building is very tall. You can just see one of the earlier arrivals making their way down the building in the middle of the picture.

The folks next to us had real style, cheering as their friends came down and even uncorking champagne.  We just waited. And waited. Then the jumps were put on hold for while, then further weather checks were made. Then daughter re-appeared at the bottom, still in her harness and wearing a safety hat with the word Cheese on it (something which was never satisfactorily explained).  Then the wind and rain got worse and they were forced to abandon abseiling for the day.

I was kind of relieved, but very sorry for daughter, who had got all the way to the top, done the training, been pretty much the next person to go and then been told "Not today". It is just one of those things, it is nice to know that they take safety very, very seriously, and they will be rescheduling for later this month.

But we did have a great trip to London, and I got some nice photographs.


HMS Belfast, and Tower Bridge


"The Gherkin", and friends

Clever Cameras

I've been taking pictures of business cards and sending them to Evernote. This works really well because the system does optical character recognition on the text on the cards, and makes it searchable. Very impressive, all the more so because it actually works.

For the best results I used a setting on the camera which is specially for taking pictures of text. Out of interest I pointed the camera at myself and took a picture. I got an image with the word "Rob" on it.