Prizes and Rewards with Windows Phone


There has never been a better time to be a Windows Phone developer. If you are a UK student you can take part in a Student Competition where you can win prizes just by submitting applications to the Marketplace. Since you can also sell these applications, and it costs you nothing to join the Marketplace if you register via DreamSpark this seems like a pretty good deal. Find out more here.


If you are old like me and therefore no longer a student you can instead sign up for the Think.Dev rewards programme and get prizes and rewards for submitting apps. This is open to all Windows Phone developers in the UK and you get stuff for just turning up and submitting apps. I might even win a prize for Cheese Lander (although this is probably unlikely). Sign up here.

The “Ultimate Steal” is Back

If you are a UK student I have some very good news for you. The Ultimate Steal is back. This is a deal from Microsoft that puts its software into your hands at less than video game prices.  You can get Office Ultimate for 39 pounds and Windows 7 Home Premium for 30.

Well worth checking out.

Voice from the Dark Side

Andy Sithers (who we call "The Dark Lord of the Sith" - no he doesn't think it is very funny either) has started a blog. Andy is a Microsoft Academic chap who is very clued up on the ways of Microsoft and is also a top bloke. Well worth a read.

One of his early posts brings great news. The Ultimate Steal is back. This puts a copy of Microsoft Office into your hot little hands for less than the cost of a video game. You can get all of it for 39 quid. Hence the name.

Cheap Travel

I'm not actually branching out as a travel agent, but I do have a couple of cheap tickets for a day in London for anyone living in Hull. The day in question is next Saturday, 1st March. If you and a friend fancy a day trip to the big city, along with Travelcard for the tube, for the knock down price of 35 quid the lot (a substantial saving on what I paid incidentally) get in touch.