Preparing for TechDays tomorrow

I'm doing a presentation at TechDays Online tomorrow. So of course tonight I'm working on the code for the final demo. I've got three copies of Visual Studio running above. One talking to the robot controller Arduino, another driving the robot network esp8266 and a final one building the Universal Windows Application that will control everything. I've not had so much fun in a while. 

I'm on tomorrow at around 4:00 pm. Tune in and find out how far I got........

..the robot with two brains....

Fishing with WireShark

The software for the Hullpixelbot is coming along nicely. I'm using the amazing esp8266 chip to provide a WiFi connection to the robot and network them all together. Snag is each robot (and whatever we use to tell them what to do) needs to know the network address of all the other robots. 

There's a technology known as mDNS that is supposed to make this easy. It's a local area network version of the Domain Name System that ties the internet together. It uses cunning broadcasts so that systems can find themselves and exchange messages. It's also the basis of the Apple Bonjour zero configuration networking, and there's now an api you can use with Windows 10 Universal Applications to allow them to find and use devices on the local network. 

I couldn't make it work. I tried for a few days and then I used an old software development trick. I asked someone for help. That someone was number one son, who actually took the trouble to read the DNS documentation and tell me what I was doing wrong. And we fixed it.

During our investigations we used an awesome tool called Wireshark. This can capture all the packets on a network, and then provides a set of fantastic tools that let you decode the messages. I think it's great fun to play with, even if you don't have a problem to solve. There's something fascinating about seeing all the messages bouncing around the cable. 

The good news is that we'll be able to appear with a bunch of Hullpixelbots, turn them on and have them all find each other and be found by other machines. I'll publish the software when it's in a state fit for the outside world.

Of Smoke Alarms and Amazon Reviews

Smoke alarm with free advice to would-be artists

During recent household decorating shenanigans we lost our Smoke Alarm. So I bought a replacement, what with not wanting to wake up dead one night. The new smoke alarm is probably very good at detecting fire. It's definitely very good at detecting steam. It went nuts after I'd had my shower, much to my annoyance. It's in exactly the same spot as its predecessor, which was no problem at all. 

A quick search of the Amazon reviews found that yes, this model is known for steam powered false alarms. Incidentally, the reviews for smoke alarms were an interesting read.  There were lots of reviews mentioning how small and neat the alarms were, how quickly they were delivered, but hardly any along the lines of "If it hadn't gone off that night when the bread maker started to smoulder we'd all have died in our beds...."

However, the good news is that a proper search of the area turned up the original (and a lot newer looking than I remember) alarm which has been fitted with batteries and is now working a treat. At least I think it is. 

Cosmic Catch and Coup at Simon's

If I'd kept it in the package it might be worth a fortune. But then I wouldn't have had a chance to play with it.....

Simon was kind enough to invite us round to a BBQ at his house today. We played Cosmic Catch and Coup. I bought a Cosmic Catch ball quite a while back. It's a bit hard to get hold of now. The ball comes with six coloured tags that players wear on their hands. Then you can play games which involve the ball telling you which way to throw it next. Great fun. After a few go's at that, and some great BBQ food for me the action switched to indoors and some very intense games of Coup.

Coup is awesome. The great thing about Coup is that it doesn't matter what cards you have. The only thing that really matters is what you say they are. Although actually for me it did matter a few times, so I ended up beaten in every game. But number one wife, who started the game with the happy advantage that nobody thought she would claim to have cards she didn't, manage to win twice. 

Many thanks to Simon and his family for organising such a lovely event. 

Pocket C.H.I.P.

I bought another computer today. Big News. But it is really, really, nice. And cheap. Pocket C.H.I.P.

It's based on a nine dollar device that is quite astonishing in terms of what you get for the money, which is a 1G processor, 512K of RAM, 4G of built in storage. Plus WiFi, Bluetooth and the ability to add video displays and any USB device that your particular flavour of Linux will support.

It looks like a worthy Raspberry Pi competitor. I've gone for the Pocket variant, which comes with a case, a nice looking (resistive) touch display and cute looking pink labelled buttons which might match your nail varnish. Or not. 

I've got Peter to thank for this purchase. You can find his review (he's actually played with one) here

Big Fun Hardware Meetup

Firstly, if you were planning on coming to the Hardware Meetup tonight I'm sorry about the traffic problems. These were caused by road closures for the Hull Freedom Festival which is this weekend. And during our meetup we had an awesome choir practising on the stage near c4di.

It was great to see some new faces in amongst the regulars. I gave out four or so Hull Pixelbot chassis and I'm looking forward to seeing some working robots next time we meet up. It was a great atmosphere and there seem to be lots of things going on at the moment, which is lovely. If you want to come along too you can sign up here

And you can find our more about the Hull Pixelbot, including new revised assembly instructions, here.

Hull Pixelbot goes public at the Amy Johnson Makerfaire

Today was the first public outing of the Hull Pixelbot at the Amy Johnson Makerfaire in Hull. I was interested to see what folks made of our little plastic robot with a pixel on top. Turns out that people seemed to like it, which was nice. We had lots of hardware group members who turned up to tell the Hull Pixelbot story (thanks folks) and how to get involved and it all went really well. 

We're going to develop this robot of the next few months and with a bit of luck I'll realise my dream of 100 Hull Pixelbots all wandering around together making art. Or something. 

If you want to get involved you can find out more at Next meetup is on Thursday 1st of September. I can't wait to see who comes along. 

We've even got a spiffy new logo now. 


Bendy Lenses at Folly Lake

More programming today. But we took a break by heading to the Folly Lake Cafe for lunch. I think they do the best chips in Hull. But I'm biased. They taste like the ones my mum used to make.

Anyhoo, the food was lovely and the day was very pleasant. And I'd taken  my Lensbaby, a simple lens which you can tilt to play with depth of field and whatnot. To adjust the lens aperture (the size of the hole that lets the light in) you drop in metal discs with different sized holes. And it has the ability to make very interesting images with selectively blurred bits. Great fun to play with. 

Hololens and Occulus Rift at c4di

I got to the c4di Hololens and Occulus Rift demos slightly later than planned thanks to a succession of red lights on the way. By the time I arrived the room was pretty much full and there were queues to try out the latest in virtual and augmented reality.

The interesting thing for me was the contrast in the devices. The Occulus  Rift is a fairly bulky device attached to a large, powerful PC. The Hololens just sits on your head with no cables, no external computers, just the device itself. It ran happily on batteries for the time I was there. I had a brief go with it and the experience was just as impressive as it was when I played with it last year. The thing about these devices for me is that, unlike things like stereo TV or multi-channel sound, people try them and just decide that they want more of this.

The Rift (and my weapon of choice - the HTC Vive) take you somewhere else. The Hololens takes where you are and adds value to the surroundings. They are both awesome technologies and I'm racking my brains to think of an area where they couldn't have an impact. Interesting stuff. Thanks to Trident for arranging the session.