Today was the day of the Mad March Bash. This follows on from the Christmas bash we had at, er, Christmas, and has pretty much the same format. With a treasure Hunt too.
We had to use a different lab for the FragFest, but this did mean that we could have more systems, with 32 players taking part in mammoth Counterstrike action.
Network Gaming Action – but the only things moving are mice and keyboards
We tried using the Buzz quiz, and that was a great success. At Counterstike I got shot every time, but with Buzz I actually managed to win one contest. Go me.
Getting the Buzz
The food was the usual Pizza, fizzy drinks and afters. Including (of course) Easter eggs.
Meat Feast was still the most popular…
We actually had a winner of the Treasure Hunt. The team “The Nuzzling Badgers” managed to find every single cunningly hidden tag. Even the very high one.
Now, that’s a prize worth winning.
The Dance Mats were popular as ever. was Rock Band.
Thanks to everyone who came along, I think a good time was had. Now we start preparing for the Grand Finale Midsummer Bash.
There are some more pictures on Flickr. I’ve tagged them with hull2009madmarchbash.