When water turns bad...

I have a love hate relationship with water. It's great for some things and I understand that it is one of the primary components of Strawberry Flavoured Milk, but I don't like the way that it lurks in my loft looking for a way out. Tonight I discovered that it had found one, courtesy of a leaking pipe connection to our cold water tank. 

I noticed this just after a shower (good water) when I found that some of the pipes in the back of the airing cupboard were damp (bad water). For half a second I managed to convince myself it was condensation, but then reality set in and I had to go up the ladder and take a look. And there it was. 

Fortunately I've got to the stage in my life where I have a collection of suitably large and scary spanners to hand which can be used to tighten things up a bit and so for now I think the leak has been sorted. And there is a Lego bucket (that is a bucket that used to contain Lego not a bucket made of Lego, that would be silly) underneath the offending joint just in case of future problems. 

The good news is that most of the water had traveled straight down the outside of the pipes towards the airing cupboard, and evaporated on the way. The bad news is that some of it stopped off in the cupboard above to ruin some bedding that we had put there. 

Oh well. At least it stopped me having a boring evening playing with computers.....