Sneaking up on a problem

Not sure this will work every time, but I pass it on as a tip that has worked for me. If you are stuck trying to solve a problem it is sometimes a good idea to go off and try solving a totally different one for a while. I have a number of “background niggles” which are things that I would like to fix when I get round to it. I keep a list of these in my diary.

When I get stuck on a “foreground” problem in something I’m working on I will go off and have a look at one of my “niggles” for a while. If I’m lucky (and I have to be lucky) I’ll fix the niggle, come back to my original problem, take another look at it and then solve that too.

Forcing the brain to switch from one issue to another and back again sometimes allows it to pick up on something you didn’t spot first time around.

If you haven’t got any “background niggles” (lucky you) then you can do something different for a while and then come back.