Project Blogging for Fun


It’s been a bit quiet on the blog for the last few weeks. I always said that I blog because I want to force myself to do interesting things so I can write about them. Recently there have been so many interesting things going on that I’ve not had time to write the blog, which is an interesting problem. Or perhaps I’ve persuaded myself that I’m too busy to blog…

That is going to change a bit now though. I’ve decided to experiment with “project blogging”. I’m going to take the thing I’ve just done, which is create some JavaScript code that runs in a web page and can load code into ESP devices, and write it up. I’m doing this retrospectively from diaries that I kept during the development process. If you’re a programmer it might be an interesting read. The posts will appear around the time I did each task. I’ve tidied things up a bit to reduce the number of dead ends and whatnot.

They start around here. If you then click the left hand link at the bottom of the text on each post you can move through them in order. There will be other topics here and there too, and some pictures. You can just see the project posts by using this link.

I’d love to know what you think of it and how I can improve the presentation content. Feel free to comment (he said dangerously).