Save Dalby Forest

Dalby Forest with Horse

Dalby forest is one of my favourite places in the country. We go there a couple of times a year with a packed lunch and just wander round the place. Years ago, when the kids were smaller, we used to go and have barbeques. It’s just a nice place with loads of trees and some lovely walks.

Dalby Forest Bridestones

And if the government have their way I won’t be able to go there much longer. They have this cunning plan to sell off, or lease, or give away, or whatever, the forests in the UK. This will save them some money and avoid them having to levy so much tax on very rich people. Or something.  It will also almost certainly mean that places like Dalby Forest will be out of bounds to folks like you and me.

Dalby Forest Path

I’m not a particularly political person. My theory is that whoever you vote for the government always gets in. I’m also very aware that there are much more important things out there than whether or not Rob has a nice place to go and have his picnics.  But I’m also aware that there are a lot of us packed onto this tiny little island,  and that the few really nice green spaces that we have left should be protected, not sold off for profit.

There is a petition you can sign up to if you want your voice to be heard on this matter. I’ve already done so. You can find it at the Woodland Trust web site: