Got my own Windows Phone Today


I must admit I was getting a bit worried. It looked as if I wasn’t going to get my shiny new hardware before going to Berlin next week.  Then I got a call from James at the Orange store saying that my chosen device had actually arrived in stock. Apparently there has been quite a run on Windows 7 phones and the one I wanted, the Samsung Omnia 7, was the hardest one to get hold of. I wanted the Samsung mainly because of the lovely screen, and also I’ve always liked things with square corners. I’ve seen pretty much all the WP7 devices now and there isn’t a bad one amongst them, but I like the angular lines of the Samsung best.

The phone is lovely. At last I have phone that is as stylish and well made as an iPhone, but it is not an iPhone. And I much prefer the user interface too. I’ve been using developer versions of Windows Phone for a while and they are OK, but having one in a proper box, and with a proper (sigh) contract makes it that much more official I reckon.  I’ve got a month or so left on my iPhone contract and so I’ll be carrying two phones around with me for a while, but I know which one I want to play with. And it runs Cheese Lander a treat…