Splendid Sunday

This is turning out to be an excellent weekend. Went out for a superb meal at Fudge yesterday and spent this morning making things work that work (actually, number one son wrote most of the code – I see myself as more of an ideas man).

We now have multiple sensors talking to our .NET Micro Framework device and the next thing is to build the emulation environment and interface the actual sensor electronics.

This seemed as good a time as any to take a break and watch a dodgy James Bond movie, and so we did. There was no particular agreement on who was the best Bond, I think your choice says as much about your generation as it does your taste, but there seemed to be no doubt who was the worst, with Roger Moore coming out on top.

I think the film was “For Your Eyes Only”, but they made a whole bunch of anonymous Bond films in the eighties, and it could have been any one of them. It did have some hilarious “Hi-Tech” bits, where Bond could be seen manhandling what looked like RL-02 disk packs on a Digital Equipment machine (which as I remember provided a whole 20Mbytes of storage). Bond then spent some time sitting in red lighting doing something fatuous with a really old display, before going out and failing to get killed by idiot assassins.

Ideal Sunday afternoon fare.