
It rained today. That is pretty much all it did. Rained. We heard the rain over our meetings, and the view out of the window into the car park was not encouraging. After lunch, meetings over, I decided to go home early. This turned out to be a good call. On the way to the car park the water was a good six inches deep, easily covering my shoes and forcing me to drive home with bare feet. And what a drive. Getting of the campus was not good, with the road out of the university looking more like a river. Many of the streets were impassible, but fortunately myself and number one wife got back home safely.

This is the worst I've ever seen. Many people in Hull have been flooded out. Buildings on the university campus have basements full of water. The folks across the road had what looked like a stream running down the side of their house. I've not taken any pictures, but you can see loads here.