Live to Shop

We went up town this morning shopping. So did everyone else. We didn't have a huge amount to buy, which was just as well, it is just that I'm addicted to the almond croissants that they serve in Costa Coffee and number one wife likes the tiramisu coffee (we are becoming terribly cultured).

Anyhoo, it was hell. We went to Marks and Spencer's to get some food and joined "The Longest and Slowest Moving Queue in the World"(tm). At one point I said out loud "This isn't just queuing, this is Marks and Spencer queuing" in what I thought was a clever parody of the current advertisement campaign they are running in the UK. I don't think this went down too well. 

Eventually we made it back home via a few present drop-offs and I'm just about to begin the wrapping up process. And yes, I have bought some sticky tape. But somebody has made off with my scissors.....