Achievement unlocked: First PCB built
/The bag was very hard to undo, but worth it
A parcel arrived from PCBWay today. These are the boards that I designed last week. They turned them round in double quick time and they look great.
These are the key positions for right handed use
I lost no time soldering the key sockets into place and getting a test program into the PICO. I have made a few mistakes with this board. The key spacing is a tiny bit close. I had to file a bit off a couple of keytops to make them move smoothly. The next version will have the keys a mm or so further apart.
It is traditional that your first board needs a fix or two….
I’d also made a mistake with one of the OLD display sockets, reversing the clock and data lines. But I managed to fix that and get the board going with some Python code. The good news is that the left handed versions is wired perfectly. I’m going to build one of those too just to see if it is easy to learn to use the keyboard with your left hand. Now I have to write the C++ code to read the keys and send the keypresses over Bluetooth.