More Dominion woes

We will never know who won…

We had another go at Dominion tonight. The game crashed again. Right at the end, just before revealing the final scores. Wah. This has happened before. I’ve even made a program, DominionCalc which attempts to work out the scores from the player logs. Unfortunately the game that we played had a funky scoring mechanism involving the “Wild Hunt” card that doesn’t show up in the log. So we have to add some numbers in by hand now and the results might not be accurate. They really need to sort this out, we used to enjoy playing the game, but it is much less fun when you can’t work out definitively who has won.

Dominion Calculator

Turns out I’m good at drawing hovels…

We had a great game of Dominion last night. The scores were very close, the last turn was played, the game ended. And then crashed. Everything locked up and we didn’t get the final score. Much unhappiness, because everybody thought they’d won. Fortunately I had the presence of mind to take a copy of the entire game log (you can cut it out of the window in the page) and saved it as a file.

So today I created “DominionCalc”. It takes in a log and figures out the player scores based on their actions. I don’t think it is perfect. But it did work out that I’d won. Not that anyone believed me.

Anyhoo, if you fancy having a go with it you can find it here: