New Year - New Me

Well, perhaps not a completely new me. But I have made a new resolution not to worry about making a blog post every day. Although I suspect that I’ll go back on this and end up writing a month’s worth of posts in one day. I’ve done it before…

Anyhoo, I hope that you all (or both) had a great New Year’s Eve and that any resolutions you make will stick better than mine. I am trying one other thing. I’ve switched my daily diary from a Word document to Notion. This means I can tag posts with topics, create tasks and projects and also make data resources for gadgets and cameras. I’ve been trying it for a while and it’s working OK so far. The one thing I’m missing is some way of viewing the whole diary in one page. At the moment I can only view one day at a time. But they have an API so I can probably make one for myself if there isn’t already a plug-in for it.

Getting a Notion

One of the takeaways from the DDD event a while back was that I need to take a look at Notion. At the moment I manage my life using a single Word document and a few carefully named folders. That has been showing strain for a while. I’d really like to do proper project management and also keep track of things I’ve found out about stuff. I think that Notion will do all this, and probably a lot more, so I’ve signed up and installed a bunch of copies on machines around the place. I think this is going to be fun.