Future Meetups
/The MakerSpace is a good looking place..
I’ve put together a schedule for hardware meetups for the first part of this year:
Wednesday 17th of January Colour 3D printing
I'll bring in some examples of colour printing and show how to use Bambu Studio to colourise prints and create lithopanes. I'll also show off some work made with HueForge (https://thehueforge.com/)
Wednesday 7th of February Robot Rugby
We'll set up a Hull Pixelbot rugby match and get a game going.
Wednesday 21st February Music and MIDI
I'll bring in a bunch of MIDI music devices (some Pico and Pi powered) and we'll have a go at making some tunes
Wednesday 6th March Analogue photography
I'll show you how to get started taking analogue photographs on instant and black and white home-processed film. If we can have access to running water in the Hackspace we can take a bunch of pictures and process them on the night.
All the meetups are in the Makerspace in the Central Library in Hull. Doors open at 5:30 pm and we start the presentations and whatnot at 6:00pm after some chat. We finish around 7:15pm or so. Anyone can turn up and you don’t need to book. If you have a topic that you’d like us to cover (or better yet you fancy running a session yourself) get in touch. If you want find out more you can find it all on our Mattermost page here.