Don't make everything a challenge
/This is actualy how it looked when I was working on it…
I personally think that a bit of failure is good for you. But not too much. One of the better ways to fail is to turn something into a challenge. Today I was faced with something broken. I figured out what was wrong and how it could be fixed. And then I tried to fix it. It looked like an interesting challenge. Of course I failed. It turns out that it was a bit more challenging that I expected. Perhaps with more time and more patience I could have completed the job but I ran out of both in the end.
I was just asked to find out what the problem was. I wasn’t expected to fix it - which made the challenge all the more enticing. The good news is that I did learn something (you should always learn something from your failures). The thing I learned was that sometimes the best thing to do is explain what is broken and then let an expert get on with fixing it. Not wade in yourself. Even (or perhaps especially) if the challenge looks interesting.