Cockroach Circuits
/I’d say “don’t do this at home” but I’m doing it at my home so it must be OK…
I can just about fit a PICO inside my remote controlled flash light, but there is hardly any room for anything else. So I’m using the “dead cockroach” hardware construction style. The circuit looks like a dead cockroach with wires standing in for legs. The connections are created by soldered wire-wrap wire into the holes in the board. I’m going to wrap the whole thing in insulating tape before fitting it into the flash. I like using wire-wrap wire. It is so flexible that it doesn’t tend to come undone from connections. I’ve got lots of different colours, which makes it much easier to follow. The circuit above is an implementation of this:
My level converter is blue though…
The important thing to do is keep testing as you build it, although so far it has kept working .