Seam Client Fun and Games
/I think this should be fast enough…
Now that we are getting into networked game nights I’ve decided that I have a need to play games on the big telly in the living room. Thoughts turned to a Raspberry Pi 4 running Steam Client. This was suspiciously easy to set up: there are a couple of splendid guides online that you can find here and here
Then I did some testing. One thing I didn’t appreciate is that fundamentally Steam Client is a souped up remote desktop. I was installing it using VNC on my PC and things got somewhat surreal when my PC desktop appeared on a machine where it shouldn’t be. I could see my VPC desktop on a remote desktop on the Pi. It was a bit like that bit in SpaceBalls when they watch the video of the movie inside the movie.
I wanted to take a screenshot but I was afraid this might cause a rift in the space-time continuum.
Anyhoo it seems to work for most games. Now I need to figure out how to do the video chat part of the evening.