Evohome Heating Controller Fun

I’ve been meaning to do this for literally years. A while back I got all enthusiastic about replacing the radiator valves in the house with computer controlled ones, found out how much it would cost and then backed off a bit.

Earlier this week, armed with my “You’re not going to the MVP summit” bonus (in the form of a hotel room refund) I ordered a bunch of bits from these very helpful people and today a box arrived.

I’m using the Honeywell Evohome system. It’s been around for ages and has got consistently good reviews over the years. I like the idea of using something proven. The geek in me is intrigued by the If This Then That (IFTTT) integration. The Apple lover in me is rather upset about the lack of HomeKit integration but he’ll get over it.

Today I went round the house swapping the old mechanical control valves with the Evohome ones. The valves come with a couple of adaptors and these fit all but one of my radiators. At this point I’ve got a bunch of very clever but unconnected valves. Tomorrow I’ll install the remote controlled relays that will control the heating and then link everything together.