Travelling the Golden Circle

What with me now being a confident Icelandic driver we thought we’d spend today driving “The Golden Circle”. After “sanity checking” the route with the ever-helpful hotel staff we headed off into the unknown on the wrong side of the road….

Actually, I’ve decided that it is not “the wrong side of the road” if everyone is doing it. Not that this is stopping me getting this ghastly frisson each time I see a car coming towards me on the “wrong” side. Then I realise that I’m on the wrong side too, and all is well. Roundabouts are a challenge though, it feels as if I’m deliberately turning into the face of oncoming traffic when I enter one.

Anyhoo, we set off with a bunch of locations programmed into the phone. It all worked splendidly,. I’d taken my venerable old Fuji FX100 camera and managed to get some reasonable pictures. You can click through the images to larger versions on Flickr if you are so minded.