Dragon for a day


- what would you do with this?

I got to be a dragon today. For a little while. Elliot, one of our final year students, is doing one a module which is all about teaching computing in schools. He had the neat idea of asking Emma to show our HIVE Immersive Visualisation Suite to his group and then getting them to pitch business plans based on the technology they’d seen.

And he needed some dragons for the pupils to pitch to. Which is where I came in. So today we got to see the presentations.

Most impressive. Virtual golf on a cruise ship, using motion capture to sell fashion, 3D mapping for fire safety and the winner, an immersive take on driving lessons.

All presented with enthusiasm and not a little business acumen. To say that this was probably the first time these folks had presented to an audience in this way they did a very impressive job. As I said at the time, make sure that when you are telling people the things that you have done you mention you’ve done stuff like this. Great stuff.