Windows Phone Jumpstart Dates Out

tidal barrier

The Windows Phone Jumpstart sessions are something of an institution. Myself and Andy Wigley did the first couple and they were great fun. The dates for the next sequence have just been released and you can register here.

Unfortunately, due to reasons completely beyond my control I can’t be there to present this time, although I have helped out with some of the content (A clue: look for the bits with cheese in). However, we do have a stable Rob count, in that Rob Tiffany will be taking my place. Rob knows a whole shed load about Windows Phone, although I doubt he actually keeps his knowledge in a shed. He is also an accomplished author and even writes stories about submarines. (true fun fact). Andy is still playing in a band, I think, unless they’ve taken his guitar away from him. Between them you can expect plenty of detailed and engaging content.

If you have any interest in learning about Windows Phone development you should take part. It’s free and fun. The decks, demos and presentations will be available later, but there’s nothing like seeing it live.