Coming to America

Hotel Room View
This is the view from the hotel window. Not too shabby eh?

The 2011 Imagine Cup World Finals are in the USA this year. New York City to be exact. I remember the excitement when this was announced last year in Poland, and I remember really wanting to go. And here I am. Thanks to Microsoft for inviting me. Planet Imagine Cup in New York. Great stuff. The hotel is right next to Times Square. We had a bus ride from the airport.

Bus Panorama

This is a dodgy panorama of the bus ride. I think that dodgy panoramas might be a trademark of my imagery for this year.


This was our first view of the New York skyline.

Once we had checked in I went over to see Lisa and the rest of the Microsoft team in the crew room.

Microsoft Crew

Behind the scenes in the Microsoft crew room. Lisa says hi!

We start the briefing and preparation for the competition tomorrow. Can’t wait.