The Rob Miles Roadshow

Next week I’m doing a Mix session all about game development in XNA, stay tuned for some brand new examples and sample code, but unfortunately no new jokes. I’ve just found out that I’m also doing Ask the Experts on Tuesday evening starting at 6:00 pm  (and for once I’m not going to be doing the asking).  They are using a “speed dating” arrangement where we meet up with a bunch of folks for 20 minute slots where we get over the gist of what we are at Mix for. I’ll be doing Windows Phone games (of course) and I’d love to meet you if you come along. Strange this, nothing for years and then two sessions of speed dating in a matter of a weeks.


If you are lucky enough to have a Windows Phone you can download the official Mix application which is great. And also mentions me. Search the marketplace for “Mix 11”.

The “Rob Miles Roadshow”™ then rumbles on to TechDays later this month. They also have a really good Windows Phone application too, although this one works best if you can speak Dutch. Search the marketplace for “Techdays”.

DevDays Speaker

I’m doing a session on Windows Phone games, another on the .NET Micro Framework and a third (deep breath) where I’m going to be talking about Windows Phone development in rhyme, just for Geek Night. And I’m also making an appearance at one of the keynotes too. Now, if that’s not a reason to buy a new pair of jeans, I don’t know what is… Find out more here.