Red Nose Day Pictures
Some of the audience, watching me code under pressure in rhyme

Jamie picks up his winnings. Don’t I have big elbows?

Agnes was the winning bidder of the second phone. This is where the money changed hands….
We’ve done the final tally and it turns out that adding together the sponsorship money, the cash taken on the day and phone auction we ended up raising over 1,260 pounds for Comic Relief. Great stuff. Thanks to everyone who helped. To Microsoft for providing some lovely prizes and an awesome phone, to Adam and Mike for sterling technical support and the audience, for laughing in most of the right places.
You can find a video of most of the event here: I’m trimming the live recording together at the moment, should be available soon. If you have any pictures of the occasion then I’d love to see them. Put them on Flickr tagged Robinrhyme.
Many apologies to the hapless lecturer in the session before mine, who must have been perplexed as to why there was a huge number of students in silly hats waiting outside, and a nervous bloke trying to get in and set up some cameras and stuff…
And now I’ve got a First Year tutorial. Not in rhyme, thank goodness.