Three Thing Game is Full

ThreeThingGame Logo Full

I told the First Year C# lecture about Three Thing Game this afternoon and loads of them signed up. Well done folks. We are pretty much full now, with 23 teams in the mix. I’d planned for 15, so we are going to have to spread out into extra labs around the place. I’ll be assigning spaces to teams and asking you if you are bringing your own kit.

I’ll be doing some sessions about XNA and Windows Phone Game development next week in the lead up to the 24 hour development on Saturday. Some things to bear in mind:

  • You can work on your game and assets in the run up to the 24 hour session.
  • We will have some folks around to give you help overnight (including me)
  • The best approach is to start with something simple that works and then add assets and behaviours. I’ll be giving out some sample code next week that will help.
  • I expect everyone who makes something to put it out there, either via the Xbox Live Indie games or Windows Phone Marketplace. Anyone who gets a game out there is guaranteed a place at the next Three Thing Game in March next year.

This is our biggest ever event. We will need even more Pizza. I hope it will all fit in the van..