Day 3 – Arts and Crafts



Today was our second day in Venice. We had the air of seasoned travellers as we got our tickets from the correct place and even found a train that had seats available.  We took in a couple of galleries, because I have always wanted to acquire more culture. And it looked like it might rain.

The first was the Accademia. This has some stunning pictures in it. You have to keep reminding yourself that these were made by people slapping on coloured paint using brushes. Very impressive. Then we went on to the Peggy Guggenheim gallery for some more modern stuff.

Iron as Art

This sculpture hadn’t been bolted down. I don’t think they are too worried about it moving in the wind.

Peggy Guggenheim Window

View from the gallery over the the river

Change Original

They had this neat sign on the wall. Inspired by all the artistry around me I bought a 5 euro plastic lens from the souvenir shop and held it in front of the camera.


Great fun


Artistic boats

And then, it was time to head back to the train and our tiny room for well earned sleep. We are heading for the Lakes tomorrow.