Silverlight at Black Marble

Straight after Grahams ceremony it was time to head off to Bradford and Black Marble. They have a program of community events and we try to get along if we can. I filled a mini-bus with students and we set off in search of enlightenment and free food and drink


The "Black Marble Posse" striking a pose.

Today it was all about SilverLight, XNA and a famous game from way back, Manic Miner.

Richard Costall & Pete McGann have created a version of this venerable game which you can play in your browser and Richard had come over to talk about it. The talk was wide ranging and interesting, ranging from the difficulties of the playing the original game all the way to the fun you can have trying to create pixel perfect collision detection within a Sliverlight application.

All really good stuff. Everyone had a good time, and the food was excellent (and there was plenty too - even by student standards).

Thanks to Black Marble for inviting us along, and Richard for giving such a good talk. I'm going to do a Silverlight talk at Hull, having been inspired by what I've seen.