.NET Micro Framework Demo Fun

What with the TechEd presentations less than a week away, today seemed a sensible time to start working on the code we are going to demo. We had a good idea of what we wanted to do, so today Dave Baker and I starting putting the final code together.

I've not played with the Micro Framework for a while. It has all been XNA for me for the last few months. But going back to it again I've re-discovered how neat it is. Dave had made a little application and needed to connect it to a pretend serial port so that we could demonstrate the emulation features. So in a couple of hours I've been able to build a custom emulator, put all the components that we need into it, map the emulator behaviour directly onto the real hardware and wrap it all around Dave's program. And it works. And you can flick an option and target the device and debug the code.

I'm really looking forward to the sessions now. If you are at TechEd come and see us. Sessions 201 and 301. If you are any good at poker you stand a chance of bagging an Embedded Fusion board at the first session. If you have hot breath you might win a board at the second.

We will also be running a little competition where we are going to give away the Micro Framework book that I co-wrote. First prize is a copy of the book. Second prize is two copies.....
