A Cup of Imagination

I've been sort of associated with the Microsoft Imagine Cup student programming competition since it started a couple of years ago. A couple of years ago I had the great pleasure of seeing a team of Hull students give their all in the competition and come third in the world. Today I saw another set of keen and knowledgable folk strutting their technical stuff in search of glory.

And one of them is number one son. I'm a bit concerned. I've taught him everything I know (took a surprisingly short time) and this might not be enough.

Needn't have worried. The lad done good. Not a winner, but pretty darned impressive (and I say this as an unbiased parent) and a very good start in the business. I think he will be around again next year...

I took a load of pictures. The event took place on top of the BT tower and I think I made a bit of a fool of myself at the event with my big camera and the 130 photographcs I took. Ho hum. I've put some of the better ones on my flickr account (just click on the moving picture thing on the right of this page to find your way there).

Then back to Kings Cross to my little hotel. Meeting up with number one son tomorrow to go to the best bookshop in the world and also the Gizmondo shop.