Powerdown Power

First I must declare a vested interest here. David has promised to buy me a vest if I mention his software.

Actually no. In the old days only my mother bought my vests. Now number one wife does it.

But I work with David, which is how come I can recommend things he makes. Like Powerdown. You can get it here. It turns your computer off when you aren't using it. And makes it come back on quickly when you need it again.  It is particularly interesting for large companies, who might have hundreds, perhaps thousands, of machines which they would like to make greener.

Powerdown also provides a way of controlling the power characteristics of large networks of computers from a single point, properly integrating with corporate systems to make things easy to manage.

Well worth a try.

VAX T Shirt

Saw this T-shirt today. I really, really want one:


For some reason known only to Primark they've used a system diagram which includes PDP and VAX computers and all kinds of things that I used to manage (RD54 disks anyone) as the logo. I sooo want one of these in XL. I just hope they are not only kids sizes (and that you can still get them).

PageFlakes and flakey Maps

I've found this rather nice custom homepage maker:


It lets you make your own home page with customised content (yes, I know there are loads of these but this one is quite nice). I've only found one snag so far. It figures out where you are and then offers up a list of events in your region, added to a map so you can find them easily.


I just hope everyone can swim.....

Live Writer Goes Live

It looks like Live Writer (the thing that I'm using to write this blog) has finally gone, er, live. It was in beta for ages, and the "Help About" screen in my version still says Beta, but now it looks much more like a finished product. All the nice features are still there, along with the plugin structure (which seems to have sprouted a bunch of extra plugins - but nothing as nice as my Flickr Inkifier of course).

If you write blogs and want a lovely place to work, you should take a look here:


Unconscious Activity

Figure 10
Learn how to do this....

I've just been sent a question about an article that I seem to have published. I sent it over to the OpenNET people and they put it out in August this year. It is all about Image Processing in C# on a mobile device. If you want to take a look, get the code and get the articles, take a look here:
