Segway in Dalby Forest

Does that sky look ominous to you? I've done a bit of image processing it must be admitted, but things were a bit grey when we arrived at Dalby Forest at 11:00 in the morning.

Number one daughter had arranged a Segway expedition around the forest as a birthday treat for me (my favourite kind of birthday treat) and this was the day. We arrived in good time and managed a walk around in the dry before a packed lunch and then heading for our steeds.

But I did get a certificate...

But I did get a certificate...

I've never ridden a Seqway before. And now I want to buy one. They are ace. My abiding memory of the hour is whizzing through the trees in driving rain, the water running down both sides of the huge grin on my face. Such fun. 

I had all these cunning plans to take video of the event and whatnot, but I was beaten by the twin perils of flat batteries and having too much fun to want to bother recording anything just at that moment.